November 23, 2009

My Whacky Advertising Class - Com 443 Blog Entry No.6


This entry shall be a reflection and a dedication of my wonderful experience with my advertising group that proudly calls it Advant Garde. Discovered upon random assigning of cue cards, we were at first skeptical about the forming of this group. Well, for one thing, some of us never experienced each others working style, and we were left to discover that on our own.

So the assignments came, one by one, we tackled every incoming campaign executing different advertising strategies. During the brain storming sessions, we clashed over decisions, argued over ideas and concepts, spoke of our own personal preferences, and denied stubbornly against something that we disagreed on. During the presentations, many a times, we would raise our hands and rush to present first, denying other groups the opportunity to consider going first.

In this group, every individual had their own fortes. In other words, we knew we had to equally distribute the workload across the talents proper, and eventually, bring everything together for the final modification of the presentation. Yet again, we would quarrel, conflict in a friendly manner, deny ideas, preferred some other idea, and pretend to like an idea but personally dissatisfied.

On the contrary, we had lots of fun. Every brainstorming get together, not only strengthened and bonded our friendships within the group, but also enabled us to confidently trust one another . Also, thanks to the MacDonald meals and Pizza eating sessions between the discussions. As we journeyed towards the next advertising campaign, we approached every campaign confidently as a team, group, and as friends. As a result, producing ideas that were steered towards the Monkeys, the chaos, the Wendy’s Hamburgers, the Agri-tourism brochures, delivering Mike and Michelle, and finally, receiving the final critique from our Professor.

At our last presentation, we decided to go all out, bringing in nothing serious but all the good hilarious and wonderful experiences with our advertising company Advant Garde. We were so proud of ourselves when we delivered the last bits of our advertising company. No doubt, like one group member of mine said, we were never the best, or we were never at the top, but you can’t deny, that we Advant Garde always delivered the campaigns with genuine ideas that were original, creative, and uniquely risk taking.

From the Photo shop software, to the manual coloring of our storyboards, we persevered through these challenging times, and continued to the final product.

In conclusion, we learned a lot from this exciting advertising experience, not only did we learn about the advertising techniques and strategies, but also to improve on our public speaking capabilities when we pitch to our client. Randomly assigned from cue cards, well, indeed, everything turned out exhilarating, electrifying, engaging, lots of laughter and humor before and after meetings, and lastly, the friendships that were once skeptical amongst our thoughts, now exemplified as strong group integrity amongst all of us working together tirelessly into the night to accomplish our objectives for all campaigns.

This image was taken before the commencement of our advertising campaigns.

VO: Advant Garde

The Forefront of Creativity

Monkey laughter~

November 22, 2009

My Whacky Advertising Class - Com 443 Blog Entry No.5

A Wedding to Remember

Today, the 21st of November 2009, for the first time in my 27 years of attending several wedding dinners in Singapore, or to be more specific, Chinese wedding dinners (boring at times), this one was different, why? Well, for one thing, the newly wed couple comprises of the beautiful bride nicely dressed who is actually my aunt, related in every way, both flesh and blood, and the groom himself, an old school mate of mine whom i have known for, not particularly well, but we are aware of each others presence.

Brief Description

The wedding dinner took place in a hotel ballroom located at Changi, east of Singapore. Upon arrival, finger foods, cocktails, beer, and wine was served to all guest. Like any other wedding, the announcer would welcome the couple into the ballroom and everyone would rise to welcome the newly wed. However, this was not the case, directly after the welcome note, everyone was astounded by the upbeat music, and first to enter were the grooms best-men and brides maid, four of each, came dancing in waving to everyone. Next, came my aunt and her husband hopping to the beat encouraging everyone to participate.

Here is an image of the table which i sat at, what caught my attention, was the photo frame which had our table number. The photography in that white frame was brilliant. The white image was photographed along Katong East Coast , the background nicely packs the shop houses of Katong. Different tables had different photographs taken, but I could not bring myself to stop starring at this photo lucky me.

The most interesting part of the dinner program was the dancing section. MJ Tribute!!!

Yes indeed, the groom my old friend from both high school and primary school. And finally, my aunt, interesting isn't it...such a small world.

It was one hell of a wedding!