Being a fan of musicals, horror, psychological thrillers,sci-fi thrillers, violent gory shows, and films with fine comedic humor, I knew this was going to be a well-scripted movie from which friends were talking about a few weeks back on about blogging and cooking. So I entered into the cinema with an open mind, deciding to watch this proper before coming to any conclusions subsequent to hearing about the food, cooking, and blogging from acquaintances. For this, I am going to share with you the elements in which I considered vital or areas that were truly important aspects, moments, and important decisions that I received from the movie. Specifically, in which, I thought were the explicit messages incorporated in the movie that would assist in the likelihood of my upcoming profession. Hopefully, it is to appropriately execute and formulate critical thinking in my day-to-day activities.
With regards to the leading characters, truly, the name Meryl Streep was no stranger to my ears, I’ve known for her leading roles in several films for instance, The Devil Wears Prada and Mama Mia. For that, I sat back, and enjoyed the movie. Thank you Professor Armstrong for including this movie into our Advertising class.
When I began my first blog entry post here in Blogspot, I questioned myself wondering if this blog would ever sustain itself proper. Well, let’s just say I never had an interest in blogging, more so, updating and maintaining this blog account. Personally, I’d prefer an actual diary where I could pen down my own personal thoughts and that others would never ever get to see. Soon, blogging in my life, surfaced. Not only do I blog now, but am also looking and admiring other bloggers blogs. What’s going on? It’s the influence of new media. However, I do remind myself every time I felt like introducing a new blog entry, that is, this blog space would be visible in the Web, and that people who had accounts would view my information and leave comments should they find my ideas interesting. Honestly, did it really matter to me? Not at all, I do welcome comments at all times. Having said that, this brings me to my next section, where I would confidently say that blogging is truly a new medium that is an opportunity for anyone to express himself or herself openly.
On this positive end of the spectrum, blogging provides business propositions and opportunities for people who are often online to come together and share new insightful ideas amongst themselves. In other words, these blog spaces allows other bloggers who share commonalities in any line of work be it at art, music, food, cooking, sewing, selling, buying, marketing, advertising, and communication to the masses. Occasionally, I myself come across or discover interesting information online about politicians going about their daily political issues and advocating or enforcing their policies to no end result? In addition, I realized that there are millions or billions of bloggers all over the world, so who’s to say no one would ever drop by your blog and understand your thoughts.
On the far side, the Internet can be time consuming, and this may lead to an unhealthful way of life. From the characters depicted in the movie, it appears that the female actress Amy Adams or Julie Powell experienced several imbalances in her life because of her blog, her career, and her husband. Constantly informing her readers on her next dish,which she will partake on. Eventually, her life started to experience several impediments and she began loosing herself. From this, its goes to show that success requires lots and lots of time and hard work. Therefore, it is important to note that, although blogging is insightful, informative, communicative, and perhaps, the Internet is "my life" for some (not me though), it is crucially important to always make time to be with your loved ones - without a doubt.
Inferring from the movie, one cannot help but observe the passion of Julie Powell as she whips up recipe after recipe after watching videos and reading from Julia’s cookbook. Inspiration, determination, and the desire to succeed by completing a certain amount of recipes within a year.
Here are my personal inputs:
- Being honest goes along way.
- Trust and treasure your good friends.
- Never ever be put down by one failure. Pick yourself up and try again.
- Welcome feedback from others openly, so we can grow and improve on areas that require "maintenance".
- Enjoy the things you love doing most.
- Keeping a positive mindset
- Be open and patient towards others.
- Make the best out of this life.
At the end of the film, I was left with good humor, loved every bit of particular scenes that included the cooking and the eating, the wine, friends, and more importantly, being around loved ones.
A winning movie worthy of an Oscar!!! SO get it! And your blog is great, too.